Winsted Schools
Winsted is a town that takes great pride in providing its community with a range of educational opportunities, from early childhood learning centers to K-12 schools. Whether you're a resident looking for the perfect school for your child or a newcomer considering a move to our lovely town, we're here to help you navigate the educational choices Winsted has to offer. Explore and connect with the schools that nurture the potential of our students, ensuring a brighter future for all.
Howard Lake- Waverly- Winsted Schools
Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Public Schools – ISD #2687 The Independent School District 2687, serving the communities of Winsted, Waverly, and Howard Lake, is dedicated to providing a high-quality education for its youth. With that commitment, we strive for excellence and opportunity for each student in every offering and activity of the school district. The District comprises an area of about 115 square miles, primarily in Wright County, with a portion located in McLeod County, and a small portion in Carver County. District 2687’s 9-12 high school and 5-8 middle school are located between Howard Lake and Winsted on Wright County Road 6. The K-4 elementary and preschool facilities are located in Waverly and Winsted.
Elementary Schools
Both Humphrey Elementary (2012) and Winsted Elementary (2013), grades Pre-K-4, have received the National Blue Ribbon Award from the US Department of Education. Humphrey Elementary was recognized in 2018 for progress in mathematics by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). Winsted Elementary was recognized as a Minnesota School of Excellence in 2014, and as a Reward School by MDE in 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2015. Small class sizes and an environment that fosters good teacher-student-parent relationships, allows for individualized attention to students. Small class sizes help create an opportunity for all students to participate in activities, too. This allows children to work with other community members, connecting and making long-lasting friendships.
Middle School
The Middle School, grades 5-8, provides a supportive transitional environment in which students can achieve their full potential through a variety of exploratory opportunities. Also, an enriching advisory program is offered to meet students’ needs. The middle school facility provides a quality educational setting with Smartboard and Chromebook technology is used in all classrooms.
High School
The High School was honored by being named one of America’s Best High Schools by US News and World Report in 2016. Out of over 21,000 high schools, HLWW High School was ranked in the top 11 percent in the nation. HLWW High School earned a Silver Medal. A strong focus on academics at all grade levels is proven by ACT scores which are consistently at, or above, national and state averages. Our graduates qualify for colleges of their choice. The High School offers courses in math, science, social studies, language arts, physical education, technology, and healthy living, complemented by a wide array of electives, such as EMT-first responder, where students can earn first responder certification; CSI: classroom (forensic science); animal science; floriculture; Desktop Publishing; pottery; Spanish; music-choir and band; nursing; and many more. A wide variety of Advanced Placement (AP) courses and College In the School (CIS) courses in agriculture, Spanish, and mathematics are available in the high school, as well as technical college credit courses that are available through our partnership with Wright Technical Center in Buffalo. Also offered is a nationally recognized FFA program that includes consistent state and national award-winners. The HLWW FFA was named the premier chapter of Minnesota in 2007 and 2017. In 2010, HLWW FFA worked on an addition of a greenhouse to the school, and was a farm-to-school grant recipient, which helped with the establishment of a 5+ acre garden on the school site. A superb advisory program guides students on post-high school planning, career choices, college applications, workforce and military options, and other ‘real-life” skills needed to succeed in today’s world. An alternative learning program (ALP) formed for students in grades 9-12, helps students reach graduation standards and achieve credits using an online curriculum. The ALP is housed at the Meeker and Wright Special Education Cooperative (MAWSECO) in Howard Lake. A generous, supportive community awarded nearly $46,000 in 2017-18 for local scholarships to graduating HLWW seniors.
Community Education
A strong Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) program offers school-year and summer activities that are fun and educational, and services such as early childhood screening, parent and child activities, parenting information, and new baby welcome packets. Educational, nurturing, and fun preschool for 3 to 5 year-olds is located at Humphrey Elementary in Waverly, and at Winsted Elementary. Curriculum has a focused approach on learning, and a strong emphasis on literacy skills. Transportation provided; scholarships available. School Age Care (SAC) is available for students in grades K-6 before and after school and some non-school days, located at the Middle School through HLWW Community Education; providing homework assistance, fun activities, and convenience for busy families. Transportation to SAC is available to and from all schools in our district. HLWW Community Education activities, education, recreation, and special events for birth to age 5, youth K-12, and adults, are ongoing. Indoor track, gym, and fitness center memberships are offered to students, adults, families, and seniors through Community Education. Adult volunteer program makes it easy for parents and community members to volunteer in the classroom, help with school activities, and work on projects in their homes.
Athletics and Activities
An excellent music program, including annual elementary musical performances, is offered. Middle and high school students (Grades 5-12) can continue in music, through band, choir, jazz and pep band, marching band, and individual band lessons. Top honors are won by large groups, ensembles, and soloists each year. Boys’ and girls’ sports teams encourage participation and achieve success. Middle school sports focus on fundamentals and skill-building; high school athletics include baseball, basketball, wrestling, golf, track and field, volleyball, gymnastics, football, cross country, and softball. There is an opportunity for all kids to participate. High school extracurricular activities meet a wide range of interests, including Knowledge Bowl, student council, Minnesota Honor Society, speech, clay target (fall and spring), drama, yearbook, Letter Club, broadcasting club (KLKR), dance, and more. The outstanding drama department hosts an annual fall musical production, spring play, and is a frequent state honor-winner in one-act competition, including highest honors.
District Highlights
A district-wide enrollment of over 1200 students in K-12, shows our District continues to grow. With teachers and staff that are kind and caring, kids feel protected and safe as they learn. Safe and convenient bus transportation is provided to all resident students and some non-resident students. Many technology upgrades and advancements are in place. Smartboard systems are used in classrooms around the District. Wireless capabilities are available throughout all district schools. Google Chromebooks are provided to all 9-12 students at the high school and ALP. HLWW Schools have involved, caring parents, and supportive community members. Our school events are well-attended by parents, grandparents, and friends. There is are parent advisory committees, traveling sports teams, field trips, Laker Pride, district curriculum advisory committee, as well as many other opportunities for parents and community members to be involved and to support students. Special activities to expand student interests and experiences, such as student councils, after-school activities, English learners, special programs to assist and encourage healthy students, sixth-grade Deep Portage outdoor experience, fourth-grade fishing expo, and many others are available. Our schools have financial strength to further improve the learning environment. New and remodeled facilities exist throughout the school district; elementary schools (2007), high school (2008), middle school (2015), and MAWSECO (2015). In 2009 and 2011, through much community support, the local operating levies were renewed for a period of 10 years. We have the programs, staff, and opportunities that children need for education, development, and growth. The wisdom of our experienced staff, and the enthusiasm of our new staff create a learning environment for student success. Many of our staff members are returning to college to earn their master’s degrees and beyond. We’re proud of our school district and how we make the grade for the families of this community every day.
HLWW Independent School
District #2687
8700 County Road 6 SW
Howard Lake, MN 55349
(320) 543-3900
Holy Trinity School: Catholic Education; Preschool-High School
By Holy Trinity Staff
Holy Trinity Catholic School in Winsted, founded in 1883, is one of only a handful of Catholic co-educational schools in Minnesota that serve students pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Throughout the school’s 131 years of existence, it has provided students with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that encourage academic excellence. Because of the school’s high academic standards and small class sizes, students’ ACT scores are substantially higher than the national average, and almost all graduating seniors pursue higher education.
Holy Trinity is a regional Catholic school, with its campus located in the heart of Winsted. The school’s strong reputation of academic excellence draws students from more than 19 surrounding communities. The school’s mission states, “Holy Trinity School is called by its parish community to educate our children and form them in their Catholic faith that they might be faithful disciples of Christ.”
The elementary and high school buildings are directly across the street from Holy Trinity Catholic Church. A new elementary building was completed in 2007, and is connected to the high school. This close proximity fosters a family atmosphere among students, staff, and parish members.
Accreditation – Holy Trinity School is accredited by the Minnesota Non-public School Accrediting Association (MNSAA), affirming the school’s academic excellence. Holy Trinity is also a member of the National Federation of Non-public School State Accrediting Association. All of the teachers, kindergarten through grade 12, are professionally licensed and have advanced degrees.
Academics – Holy Trinity Elementary students experience a challenging and supportive academic environment. The Spalding Method has been successfully integrated as the complete language arts program for grades one through six. This method is highly regarded with proven success and sets Holy Trinity Elementary School apart from other education choices in the area. High school students are prepared for the next stage in their lives with a challenging core curriculum, daily religion class, and a wide selection of elective courses in the areas of industrial technology, foreign language, art, and science. College in the Schools courses are offered in the areas of science, math and literature. The school’s grading scale is rigorous, with A = 93-100 percent, B = 86-92 percent, and C = 78-85 percent. The grading scale is designed to ensure students are academically prepared to succeed in any secondary education they choose.
Technology – Technology plays a key role in the work of Holy Trinity’s educators. Wireless devices, interactive whiteboards, and a computer-to-student ratio of better than 1:2 give teachers an engaging medium to present curricula to students.
Holy Trinity Parish & School
110 Winsted Ave W
PO Box 38
Winsted, MN 55395
(320) 485-2182